Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyers

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Car Accident Attorneys Serving Clients In & Around Cincinnati, Ohio

A Cincinnati car accident lawyer can help you pursue fair compensation if you were injured in a crash caused by another driver. For more than 20 years, Colombo Law has been representing personal injury victims and people who have lost loved ones.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Cincinnati, you are most likely wondering what to do next. Your medical bills are piling up, you’re hurt, and the accident has left you shaken. Fortunately, there is hope. With the help of a Cincinnati car accident lawyer, you may be able to obtain substantial compensation.

Our car accident lawyers are dedicated to helping victims who have been injured through no fault of their own. Car accident victims almost always deserve more compensation than the insurance companies are offering. Low settlement offers are unjust, and we will work hard to get our clients the compensation they deserve.

Let us handle the insurance companies while you focus on healing. Call Colombo Law at 513-599-8841 today for a FREE consultation with a Cincinnati car accident lawyer.

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Why You Need a Car Accident Lawyer

The truth is, legal disputes such as those in car accident cases can be lengthy and difficult to navigate. Going about this process without someone who is versed in all aspects of personal injury law can prove to be detrimental to the amount of compensation you receive. Without the knowledge of an experienced car accident lawyer at Colombo Law on your side, you are putting yourself behind the 8 ball.

The steps that go into filing a car accident claim require careful navigation and planning. When you work with one of our car accident attorneys in Cincinnati, you will feel comfortable knowing that you will not have to deal with any of that because we will handle it for you.

We will take on all aspects of your case:

The most important thing for you to do after a car accident is work on recovering from your injuries. Colombo Law will manage the legal side of your case while you simply concentrate on getting better.

ohio car accident lawyer

Why Do Car Accidents Happen in Cincinnati?

From 2020–2022, the Ohio Department of Public Safety recorded a total of 83,416 crashes in Cincinnati and Hamilton County as a whole. These accidents resulted in 210 fatalities and 1,426 cases of serious injury.

Motor vehicle accidents occur for a variety of reasons. The car accident lawyers at Colombo Law have dealt with crashes of all severities and types. No matter what type of car accident you are involved in, our attorneys are here to help.

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The most common causes of car accidents include:

Driving Under the Influence

Drunk driving accidents are common throughout Ohio. According to 2018–2022 statistics from the Ohio State Highway Patrol, 1,770 alcohol-related crashes proved fatal and 4,294 resulted in serious injury.

Regardless of these alarming numbers, people still drink and drive each day. While the number of drunk driving accidents fluctuates year by year, it continues to be an overwhelming issue.

Distracted Driving

In present-day society, almost everyone is heavily reliant on their mobile phones. Because of this, distracted driving has become all too common in Cincinnati and the entirety of Ohio. Cell phones aren’t the only thing that distracts drivers on the road, however. Other common distractions that cause accidents include:

From 2020–2022, distraction-related issues were a factor in more than 2,600 accidents in Hamilton County alone. This number is likely low; the momentary nature of distractions often makes it difficult to know whether the driver was distracted or not.

Driving Fatigued

It is common for people to get a little drowsy behind the wheel. However, in many cases, this can be an extremely dangerous occurrence.

People who drive drowsy are proven to be just as dangerous as those who drive under the influence. Drowsy driving accidents often have similar characteristics to drunk driving accidents in the sense that they often involve people losing much of their situational awareness, judgment, and motor control while behind the wheel. This can result in deadly rear-end accidents, swerving, and failure to stop at an intersection.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving in Ohio is defined as “willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property” when operating a motor vehicle. Actions that may be considered reckless driving include:

Reckless driving is illegal. And yet, people throughout Ohio still engage in dangerous driving practices each day. Driving without regard for the safety of others on the road can lead to serious accidents and, in some cases, death.


Speeding is perhaps the most common form of reckless driving that causes car accidents. Speed limits are put in place to aid in keeping everyone who uses the roads safe. When they are exceeded, innocent people can be put in great danger.

Speeding reduces the time a driver has to react to sudden stoppages in traffic, which can cause terrible rear-end accidents. It also makes driving in inclement weather much more dangerous, as the driver has less control over the vehicle.

We Have Helped Our Personal Injury Clients Receive Millions of Dollars

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$11.8 M
Car Accident
$1 M
Car Accident
$2 M
Car Accident
$4.75 M
Car Accident
$15 M
Car Accident
$2.1 M
Car Accident
$3 M
Car Accident
$8.2 M
Car Accident
Car Accident
$1.3 M
Car Accident
Previous Results

Common Injuries in Car Accidents

Car accidents, no matter how minor they may seem, can still cause injuries that have lasting effects on their victims. Serious injuries from car accidents may leave victims with permanent or partial disabilities. Extensive rehabilitation may be required and, in some cases, full recovery may not be possible.

A Cincinnati car accident lawyer at Colombo Law can help you pursue compensation if you suffered any of the following serious injuries in a crash:

Brain Trauma (TBI)

Many car accidents throw victims around with great force. Because of this, people often hit their heads on windows, steering wheels, and other areas of the vehicle. This impact can cause concussions and other serious brain damage.

Traumatic brain injuries can leave victims unconscious, cause them to lose their memory, and leave them with permanent disorders that require lifelong assistive care. Brain damage can occur even when an accident victim does not strike their head on an object; they can be caused during a whiplash event that causes the brain to collide with the rigid surfaces inside the skull. This is known as a “contrecoup” injury. Contrecoup brain injuries can result in shearing of the important axons in the brain, leading to deficits in cognitive function.

Neck, Back, and Spinal Cord Injuries

When people are thrown around with force as they are in car accidents, damage to the spine and spinal cord may occur. Injuries such as whiplash, ruptured and herniated discs, cracked vertebrae, and severed spinal cords can leave victims with severe pain and loss of function.

Surgical intervention may be required for fractured vertebrae and spinal cord trauma. Victims may also need to undergo extensive rehabilitation. Extreme injury to the spinal cord can result in loss of sensation and even paralysis.

Broken Bones

Broken, fractured, and shattered bones are common in all types of motor vehicle accidents. These injuries can range from the fairly minor (such as broken fingers and toes) to the serious (such as broken femurs and hips, both of which often require surgical repair).

Bone fractures may cause you to miss work so the break can heal. You may also require weeks or even months of physical therapy to regain mobility and function.

Injuries to Internal Organs

The harsh impact of a motor vehicle accident can cause a myriad of internal injuries that can be very serious. Car accidents could lead to injuries affecting the bowels, kidneys, spleen, heart, liver, lungs, and other vital organs. Fractured ribs are often the cause of punctured lungs and other internal organs. These injuries are serious and should be treated right away to avoid any chance of them becoming life-threatening.

Burn Injuries

In a car accident, severe burns may occur when skin comes into contact with hot metal components, as a result of exposure to chemicals, or due to a fire caused by the crash. Burn injuries should always be taken seriously.

Severe burns can be extremely painful and require intensive medical treatment. Victims may be left with significant scarring that can impact their ability to earn a living and perform daily tasks, as well as lead to psychological trauma.

What Our Clients Are Saying

We had contacted Dino because we knew that there was wrongdoing in the company. Something needed to be done not just for our family, but to help prevent it.

Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating

Following my accident I reached out to Colombo Law on a whim. Thank goodness I did! Janell and Travis have been top notch every step of the way. Janell was my main point of contact. She was responsive, knowledgeable, professional and kind. Travis was dedicated to hearing me, showing me he cared and making me a priority. I knew that both of them truly wanted the best for me. I was never just a number to them. Great experience from start to finish!

-JoAnne Hall
Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating

Dino was almost like a fatherly figure. I learned that being a lawyer is a hard job. You need a strategy. Dino’s got a good strategy.

Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating

From my very first phone calls to the day everything is going to be over, Kayla, Nathan and everyone I interacted with at this office have been so amazing!! I always felt like I was in the best hands and they looked out for my best interests (not their paychecks)! Can’t tell you enough how great this group is!! Everything was explained and my questions were happily answered. But, the best part is how “down to earth” and personable they are! Crappy accident with a positive outcome!!! 6 🌟

-Tracy Masters
Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating
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Compensation for Your Car Accident Injuries

At Colombo Law, we fully understand the challenges victims face after a car accident. Your situation is unique, and our job is to aid in your recovery. A crucial part of this process is calculating the damages you have sustained and pursuing maximum compensation for all of your losses.

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Insurance companies will not gladly pay what you are due. A Cincinnati car accident lawyer at Colombo Law will fight aggressively to obtain the outcome you deserve.

Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge needed to protect the victims of car accidents from unjust insurance settlement offers. We believe that you deserve more than what the insurance company is initially offering you, and we will fight hard to obtain that number.

The exact value of your claim depends on the specific losses you and your family have sustained. We will work to ensure that you are fairly compensated for all applicable damages in your case. These may include:

What to Do After a Car Accident in Cincinnati

A car accident can be a very traumatic experience. Even the most cautious drivers can find themselves involved in a wreck that wasn’t their fault.

It is nearly impossible to know if and when you will be in a car accident. However, there are steps you can take to make sure you are prepared. Below is a list of steps to follow if you are involved in a Cincinnati car accident:

1. Remain Calm

Car accidents will naturally make you feel upset and anxious. However, in the aftermath of an accident, it is crucial to try to remain calm. Your safety at the scene, your health, and your right to compensation all depend on your ability to keep a cool head.

2. Call 911

You may require emergency medical care or need to be taken to the hospital following the car accident. As such, it is best to dial 911 as soon as possible.

In Ohio, accidents resulting in personal injury, death, or property damage in excess of $1,000 must be investigated by law enforcement. By calling for help at the scene, you can ensure that the police respond to the crash and begin investigating.

Read More: Reporting a Car Accident to the Police

3. Seek Medical Attention

Paramedics may treat and release you at the scene of the accident. You should follow up with your doctor or go to the emergency room after leaving the scene.

Serious car accident injuries may require treatment well beyond simple first aid. You may need to be transported to the emergency room promptly.

4. Obtain Important Information

Gather the contact and insurance information of all drivers involved in the car accident. Also, obtain information from any witnesses. This is important because once you leave the scene, getting the information you need becomes much more difficult. The information you should obtain includes:

5. Speak to the Police

The police officer who responds to the accident will ask you questions about what happened. Cooperate and answer any questions honestly. A car accident lawyer can help you obtain a copy of the accident report from the Cincinnati Police Department Police Records Section.

6. Take Photographs of the Scene

If possible, you should take photos of the vehicles and any damage they have sustained. Other details worth documenting include the conditions at the scene, the layout of the road, the presence of stop signs and traffic lights, etc.

7. Follow Up with Your Doctor

No matter the severity of your injuries, it is important to abide by any and all recommendations from medical professionals who treat you. This may involve following up with your family doctor, going to physical therapy, seeing a specialist, etc.

8. Inform Your Insurance Company of the Accident

Keep the details short, sweet, and accurate. If the accident is not your fault, compensation should be paid by the other driver’s insurance. However, to protect your right to coverage, you need to notify your insurance company—usually within 30 days.

9. Write Down Your Recollection of the Accident

While the accident and the events leading up to it are still fresh in your mind, write them down. Any details you can remember may be helpful for your claim.

10. Contact an Attorney

The only way to truly protect your rights after a car accident is by seeking legal counsel. At Colombo Law, our lawyers have extensive experience dealing with insurance companies and obtaining maximum compensation for injured victims. If you have been injured in a car accident, we can help you.

Talk to a Cincinnati Car Accident Lawyer Today

Injured in a car accident? Wondering how you’re going to pay your medical bills? Insurance companies breathing down your neck? Don’t worry, Colombo Law can help.

With our No Fee Promise, you pay nothing upfront and no fees until we achieve a positive result in your case. This arrangement enables people who have been injured in accidents to obtain quality legal representation without having to worry about incurring additional costs or additional stress.

Colombo Law has obtained millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements. We prepare every case as though it will go to trial. Insurance companies are aware of our reputation for fighting hard—and winning—for our clients. While most of the cases we handle settle without going to trial, our success as trial attorneys enables us to represent you effectively if the matter does go to court.

Don’t let the insurance company take advantage of you. Call Colombo Law at 513-599-8841 for a FREE case review with a Cincinnati car accident lawyer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my car accident claim take to complete?

Should I accept an insurance settlement for my car accident?

Do I have a case if I was partly at-fault in my car accident?

What if the accident was minor and no one was injured?

What if the insurance company has already offered me a settlement?

What if the insurance company has denied my claim?

What if I wasn’t at fault for the accident?

What if I was at fault for the accident?

What if the car crash was a long time ago?

What if I can’t afford a lawyer?

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From The Personal Injury Blog

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