Cincinnati Work Injury Lawyers

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Work Injury Attorneys Serving Cincinnati & All of Ohio

If you have been injured on the job, workers’ compensation might not be your only option. Colombo Law fights for workers who have been seriously hurt through no fault of their own. A Cincinnati work injury lawyer at our firm can help you obtain the full compensation you deserve.

Most workers assume that filing for workers’ comp is their only recourse after a job-related injury. This may be true in some cases. However, if you were seriously injured at work and suspect that negligence may have been a factor, you owe it to yourself to explore all of your legal options.

Call Colombo Law at 513-599-8841 today for a FREE case review with a Cincinnati work injury attorney. Our lawyers serve clients throughout the Cincinnati metro and other areas of Ohio.

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Why Choose Colombo Law?

Colombo Law has obtained millions of dollars for people who have been injured or lost someone they love in workplace accidents. We combine our broad experience with a compassionate, people-focused approach to provide reliable legal service to clients in their time of need.

$8 million for a natural gas worker who was seriously burned
$2.75 million for the family of a man killed by malfunctioning equipment

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Columbus work injury lawyer

What Should I Do If I’m Injured at Work?

You have two main priorities after a workplace injury. The first is your health and safety, while the second is protecting your legal rights.

Following these steps will enable you to safeguard your well-being, your right to workers’ compensation, and any additional claims you may have:

1. Seek Medical Attention Immediately

The treatment you may need depends on the severity of the injury. Minor injuries can often be treated on site with first aid, while more serious injuries may require a trip to the emergency room. When in doubt, see a doctor right away or call 911 as needed.

2. Notify Your Supervisor as Soon as Possible

Prompt reporting is crucial for creating a record of your injury. Tell your manager or supervisor that you were hurt ASAP, ideally the same day as the accident.

3. Report the Injury to Your Employer

Shortly thereafter, you should also provide your employer with a written report of the incident that led to your work injury. Include as many relevant details as possible and follow your company’s procedure for reporting the accident.

4. Document the Accident

Take pictures of your injuries and photograph or shoot video of conditions that contributed to the accident. If possible, speak to witnesses who saw you get hurt and take copious notes about the date, time, location, and circumstances.

5. Apply for Workers’ Comp

Workers’ compensation benefits can help pay for medical expenses and make up for some of the wages you lose if you are unable to work. In Ohio, you have just 1 year to file a workers’ comp claim for an on-the-job injury.

6. Consult an Attorney

Getting hurt on the job can be traumatic. When you are in pain and laid up by an injury, it can be  very hard to keep track of what you need to do to obtain the benefits and compensation you deserve. Most people have little to no familiarity with the legal system. If you are unsure what to do, a Cincinnati work injury lawyer can provide you with knowledgeable support and guidance.

Speaking with an attorney is the best way to fully understand your legal options after a workplace injury. At Colombo Law, our goal is to maximize compensation for your injuries and losses.

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We Have Helped Our Personal Injury Clients Receive Millions of Dollars

Previous Results
$23 M
Truck Accident
$2 M
Truck Accident
$3.5 M
Truck Accident
$11.8 M
Car Accident
$22 M
Truck Accident
$1 M
Car Accident
$2 M
Car Accident
$5.2 M
Work Injury
$1.5 M
Work Injury
$1 M
Work Injury
Previous Results

What Are the Most Dangerous Jobs in Ohio?

The most recent annual report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded a total of 88,600 non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses in Ohio. Nearly two-thirds of these cases were severe, requiring time away from work, restricted activity, and/or transfer to a different position.

Industries in Ohio with the most reported injuries are:

Accidents happen in all industries. Sometimes workplace injuries occur through no fault of workers, employers, and other parties. However, any incident resulting in serious injury should be investigated. This may prevent similar injuries in the future, as well as provide means for the injured worker to obtain fair compensation.

Common Workplace Accidents & Injuries

For more than 25 years, Colombo Law has been a leading personal injury law firm. Our experience encompasses a wide range of injuries and accidents, including representation for workers who have been severely injured on the job.

A Cincinnati work injury attorney can help you navigate the legal system after a workplace accident. Some of the most common accidents and injuries sustained by workers include:

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, meaning you don’t have to prove that anyone else was responsible for the injury. To pursue a personal injury claim for a workplace accident, however, you will need to prove fault.

Columbus work injury lawyer

Can I Sue for a Workplace Injury?

In Ohio, workers’ compensation is considered the “exclusive remedy” for workplace injury claims. That means employees are generally limited to filing a workers’ comp claim if they are injured on the job or develop an occupational illness.

However, there are limited situations where an employer may be held liable for a worker’s injury. A savvy Cincinnati work injury lawyer will also consider the role third parties may have played.

Injuries Caused by an Employer

Ohio law provides one narrow exception to the general prohibition on workers being able to sue an employer for injury or death. It concerns intentional acts by the employer:

In an action brought against an employer by an employee, or by the dependent survivors of a deceased employee, for damages resulting from an intentional tort committed by the employer during the course of employment, the employer shall not be liable unless the plaintiff proves that the employer committed the tortious act with the intent to injure another or with the belief that the injury was substantially certain to occur.

Ohio Revised Code Section 2745.01

The statute goes on to cite several examples of actions that may constitute “intent to injure,” such as deliberately removing safety guards from equipment or knowingly misrepresenting the dangers posed by harmful substances.

Proving that an employer meant to injure a worker is challenging. An experienced personal injury attorney well-versed in workplace injuries can evaluate the evidence and evaluate your right to sue.

Read More: Can I Sue My Employer for an Injury on the Job?

Injuries Caused by a Third Party

A complete investigation of the facts by a knowledgeable Cincinnati work injury attorney may reveal that one or more third parties contributed to the accident. If this is the case, your lawyer can help you take legal action against the party or parties responsible.

Potential defendants in a third-party liability claim for work injuries include:

As with other personal injury claims, third-party liability is based on negligence. Our lawyers will gather all available evidence and prepare a strong claim demonstrating that a third party caused you to suffer a job-related injury.

Identifying all of the parties at fault for a workplace accident is critical. Ohio personal injury law operates on the basis of “joint and several liability.” A single defendant may be held liable for all economic damages, but non-economic losses are divided proportionately. To achieve maximum compensation, the share of fault held by each defendant must be attributed correctly.

Work Injury Claim Form and pen resting on a clipboard

How Long Do I Have to Sue for Work-Related Injuries in Ohio?

The time limit for a third-party work injury lawsuit is the same as other types of personal injury claims. In Ohio, the statute of limitations for personal injury actions is 2 years from the date you were injured.

Don’t wait to exercise your legal rights. Important evidence can disappear and witnesses’ memories of the accident may change. Colombo Law will jump into action swiftly, building a strong case without delay.

Can you sue for workers' comp & personal injury? | Colombo Law

What Damages Are Available for a Work Injury?

Although workers’ comp can provide some financial relief to injured workers, the benefits are limited. Most workers will only be entitled to coverage of reasonable medical expenses, with some also qualifying for disability or wage loss benefits.

In a third-party personal injury claim, you can pursue compensation for ALL of the losses you have sustained. A Cincinnati work injury lawyer can help you recover damages such as:

The worst-case scenario in any workplace accident is the death of a worker. If your loved one was killed on the job, the attorneys at Colombo Law can help you bring a wrongful death claim against negligent third parties. Monetary compensation won’t bring your loved one back, but it may prove essential for your financial recovery and peace of mind.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Not only is Dino a great attorney but more importantly he is a great human being. He went above and beyond for our family during a very difficult time in our lives. He and his staff answered any and all concerns that we had and kept in close contact with us throughout this very troubling time in our family. We can’t thank Dino and staff enough.

-Stephanie Skidmore
Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating

The first meeting I had with him, he told me that there would be no money due until the case is settled. That takes a huge burden off your back. He’s the guy that you always want on your side, you don’t ever want to be on the other side of him.

Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating

From the very beginning this has never been about the money, this has been about the product and what it did to my child. And Dino was determined to see that that product never hurt anyone else.

Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating

I wouldn’t have known which way to turn or what to do but there was no worry, Dino took care of it.

Colombo Personal Injury Lawyers Five Star Google Rating
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How a Workplace Injury Attorney Can Help

Filing for workers’ compensation and making a claim against an employer or third party are two very different things. At Colombo Law, our focus is helping workers obtain additional compensation for job-related injuries.

Our work injury lawyers can help with all aspects of a third-party claim, including:

When you get hurt on the job, it’s easy to feel like no one is on your side. Even the workers’ comp system—which is supposed to take the financial pressure off injured workers and help them get back on their feet—can feel more like an opponent than an ally.

Colombo Law is in your corner. We fully explore and identify your claim options so you can recover the money you need and deserve for injuries caused by a malicious employer or negligent third party.

Columbus work injury lawyer

Contact a Cincinnati Work Injury Lawyer

Experienced personal injury attorneys at Colombo Law have an in-depth understanding of third-party liability issues in workplace accidents. Our litigation and trial experience is an asset in these complex cases, enabling us to maximize compensation for injured workers and their families.

Get the Colombo Advantage. For a FREE case review, call Colombo Law at 513-599-8841 today. Our work injury lawyers serve clients in and around Cincinnati and throughout Ohio.

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