Colombo Law Helmet Truck

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Home > Colombo Law Helmet Truck

At Colombo Law, we place a high value on safety; not only for our clients but those in our communities as well. This doesn’t just extend to adults, but to kids as well.

Kids are only kids for a little while, and they deserve to enjoy their childhoods and have as much fun as possible. Many kids do this by riding bikes around their neighborhoods after school and on weekends. Unfortunately, not every child in our community has access to the most crucial safety measure a bicyclist can have: a helmet.

To make sure every kid can ride their bike safely, we started the Colombo Law Helmet Truck. Year round, our team travels to local events, fairs, and festivals; giving out free bike helmets all along the way. We’ve had the privilege of bringing the Colombo Law Helmet Truck many places, including the MedExpress Kids Day and the Barbour County Safety Fair.

At the end of 2018 we had given out 7604 helmets.

Through August 2019 we have given out a total of 10,674  helmets!

West Virginia Helmet Truck Schedule

Ohio Helmet Truck Schedule

Colombo Law personal injury lawyers helmet truck

If you’re interested in having the Colombo Law Helmet Truck at your next kid-friendly event, get in touch with us for availability at or use our convenient form below.

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